Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Me and My Alphabet Soup

Believe it or not there are people who have the gall to ask me why I don't just lose weight. They tell me its simple math. I just have to use more calories than I take in. That's what all those high-gloss, morning show talking heads with tiny waists and 10% body fat tell us, right? That's all there is to it.

Well, I'm here to tell you -


At least for me and millions of others out there who are victims of faulty body chemistry. That's my alphabet soup: PCOS and IR. It's those six letters that rule my life. Those six letters are the reason that a "calories-in-calories-out" approach doesn't work.

I have Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome and Insulin Resistance. Together they wreak havoc on my body, all through my hormones. Most people eat food and their insulin system tells their muscles to hear the message and receive the nutrients and grow. Not me. My body is so messed up by these two conditions that my insulin systems causes my body to think it is in constant starvation mode so it stores everything I eat - AS FAT! That fat is primarily visceral or omentum fat which also produces a hormone that perpetuates the cycle.

I'm mouse in a wheel. I'm stuck with no "eat less, move more" plan that can help. Believe me, I've tried them all.

That's why I'm seeking surgery. I need to live. I want to be PCOS and IR-free which I can do with surgery. I need help though. I need my friends and family to stand by me and want this for me as I want it for myself. I'm not copping out and taking the lazy way out. Surgery is not a walk in the park. It is work. BUT surgery is the "reset" button that my system needs to be healthy for the rest of my life.

PLEASE! PLEASE! Visit my fundraising page and donate. Even if its just a dollar or two, it will help. If nothing else, it gives me hope.

Here is the link: Bea Is A Loser


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Bea, since I'm coming in on this a little late...I am learning a little about your troubles and trials. It sounds like the doctors are very optimistic about the gastric bypass as freeing you from PCOS and IR. Will that "fix" your cysts, or is the losing the weight the start of more treatment? There is always a benefit to losing weight. Just curious. For those out there that may not know Mrs. Bea, she is a new friend of mine and I am just beginning to know her (we still need more hang-out time, Bea!) and from what I have seen, she is doing more in her life than many skinnier people I know!

    P.S. I removed my earlier comment because I was asking all kinds of questions that you have answered already! ha! :0)
