Saturday, November 11, 2017

My Workout

Many of you have heard me talk about PraiseMOVES, a Christian alternative to yoga. You may not have heard what it is exactly and why I do it instead of yoga. I thought I'd explain here and add a few pictures for your perusal.

PraiseMOVES is a program designed by Laurette Willis after accepting Jesus as her Savior and leaving the New Age/Occult. She was a decades-long practitioner of yoga. She felt, as do I, that the origins and reality of yoga were something she could no longer participate in based her spiritual beliefs. For those that don't know, yoga is a series of increasingly complicated poses for prayer and supplication to Hindu gods. Like Ms. Willis, I am a Bible-believing Christian which means that I cannot bow to any other gods or have any false god before my God. So, yoga was out. Unfortunately, the movements, stretches and strengthening that come with yoga are beneficial to the body. Cue Ms. Willis to develop a Christ-centered program that works the body but is not a worship to other gods. It focuses on scripture memory and meditating on God's word.

Now is when I take a huge personal step - PICTURES! Not just any pictures. I had my husband take these on a couples weekend with friends at the beach. Translation: bathing suit pictures
next to the ocean.
The Tree Posture

Modified Weeping Willow Posture
The Angel Posture

The Modified Tent Posture

Find more information about Praise Moves on their website ( I would love to hear your comments. Leave them below